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维斯比级轻型护卫舰9LV Ceros

9 lv CS

9LV Combat System (CS) provides naval forces with outstanding operational capabilities, 支持所有任务类型, 从沿海到开阔的海洋. 一个完整的C4I为每一个类型的海军平台.


The capability and performance of a modern warship is to a large extent defined by the onboard combat system.

lv CS包括一些世界上最先进的系统和技术. 它使船上的复杂工作, 在拥挤和受限的地方, where people are under high pressure and where things can go from dead calm to dead serious in less than a blink of an eye.

Saab’s 9LV 海军 Combat System (9 lv CS) solution combined with a proven track record as a combat system integrator and prime contractor put that ambition within reach for any new vessel, 以及中年升级.

The 9LV combat system team has captured the know-how required and applies it to each specific project. Key areas such as risk management requires prior experience and an understanding of the customer’s environment. These are essential for the development of a trusted relationship between Saab and the customer.
Saab has a history of successful partnerships and leading roles in many naval combat system programmes. We have worked with dedicated partners and sub-suppliers in almost all aspects of naval warfare.

在一个平衡的战斗系统中, 不断实现第三方产品经过验证和成功的集成, 如:

  • Tactical Data 链接 (TDL) using multi-TDL processors from several different suppliers
  • 几家无线电制造商的无线电通信
  • 来自几个不同供应商的地对地导弹(ssm)
  • 来自主要供应商的地对空导弹(sam)
  • 不同口径的海军炮
  • 来自领先供应商的反潜战(ASW)武器和水下传感器
  • Radar sensors for surveillance and fire control in applications with different requirements than Saab’s proprietary solutions

The cornerstone of a successful Saab naval combat system is the use of 9LV CMS as an enabler. The system development has progressed to an increasing focus on the ability to integrate different equipment. The 9LV CMS architecture and design allow the ship’s local area network and associated hardware, 软件和服务扩展到船上的所有计算机设备. This reduces cost and waste, as system capabilities can be shared between subsystems.

维斯比级轻型护卫舰9LV Ceros


... 亚洲体育博彩平台已经向全球20多个国家的海军交付了250多套系统?

  • 9LV战斗系统安装在20到27艘舰艇上.000吨.
  • 亚洲体育博彩平台提供海军作战系统已有50多年的历史.
  • 9 lv CS团队通常在一个复杂的项目中处理50个子系统.
超过20个海军使用我们的9 lv CS


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